«People's theatre» and popular education during the spanish second republic: a "Guide to Liberty"?
The which is characterized by its non profes-sional and distant economical approach to theatre, and by its manner of carrying the intelligence of the elite to the towns people plays the main part in this work. After discussing the educational function of the thea-tre, with special reference to the Spanish Second Republic, two types of theatre are studied: Pedagogical Missions Theatre and the University Theatre of and , members of the University Schooling Federation (F.U.E.) of Madrid and of Valencia respecti-vely. In one or more occurrences the final products from these theatre groups does not only consist of funnelling entertainment and culture to a new audience, but also contemplates social and political awareness. The latter is done in a more explicit manner with the University Theatre.
The towns people feel called towards protagonism and participation in this social and political awareness. The Missions theatre is not a work of charity, nor is the University Theatre an experience without pretensions carried out by boisterous and carefree students. Due to fun-dings by the establishment both theatres demonstrate clear ideas on ideology and culture, which is obviously more apparent during the Spanish Civil War. When contemplating methods on social and personal emancipation, their works of drama convert, in a certain way, into .
- Keywords:
- Spanish Second Republic
Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Fernández Soria, J. M.
«People's theatre» and popular education during the spanish second republic: a "Guide to Liberty"?.
Revista Española de Pedagogía, 55(206).
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