The inspirng personality of Blessed Raymond Lully had an outstandig infiuence on Enropean philosophy. However, the splendid didactic elements displayed in his abundant literary activity have not been thoroughly studied up to now. This neglected aspect, of his thought is analyzed by tbe present writer. An orginal approach to many pedagogical problems appears in the Ars magna, yet even more interesting in this respect are other Lullian works in which the author, free from a priori principles and prejudice, freely expresses his educational ideals, shewing how his inexhaustible «pertagogical eros», founded on a true «theosobeia», reached mystical heights.
Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Hernández, E.
Valoración de la didáctica luliana: primera parte.
Revista Española de Pedagogía, 4(13).
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