
Instructions for authors

Versión en español

A. Purpose of the journal

Revista Española de Pedagogía was created in 1943 and its search for excellence has always distinguished itself. It has been the first journal of pedagogical research in Spanish that has been indexed in the most relevant international databases. It accepts only original, high quality submissions from anywhere in the world that help advance pedagogical knowledge, avoid mere opinion polls, and are of general interest. Articles must follow commonly accepted ethical criteria; in particular, in cases of plagiarism and falsification of data, the author will be penalized by the rejection of their submissions. Articles with more than three authors will only be accepted if a reasoned explanation is provided, and in any case, the intellectual collaboration of all the signatories must be certified, not just data collection. Three issues a year are published.

B. Languages used in the journal

REP publishes all scientific articles and bibliographic reviews in Spanish and English.

When an article is accepted for publication and in order to guarantee the use of correct academic language in both languages, an agreement will be reached with the authors for the translation of their article into English or Spanish. If necessary, the translation will be made by professional experts who are native speakers of each language according to the conditions described in G. Article Processing Charges (APCs). All contents of the original article, including tables and graphs, must be translated.

Texts cited in the article that were originally published in Spanish, even if they were later published in an English translation, must also be included in their original language. In this way, translators will not have to translate these texts again. In particular, it is preferable for a classic text to be cited with both versions: that of its original and that of the printed translation.

C. Requirements of the originals

C.1. The publication of research articles must be in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7.ª Edición, 2020, (www.apastyle.org). Here are some basic points which must be strictly followed by the authors.

  1. The length of the original manuscripts, including abstracts, body of the article and list of references will be between 6000 and 7500 words, using Times New Roman font.
  2. Articles should be submitted following the structure and formats indicated in this template.
  3. In cases where authors have compound names or use more than one last name, such as Hispanic authors, they should be connected with a hyphen. Example: María-Teresa Calle-Molina.
  4. The authors must indicate the role of each one using CREDIT taxonomy (example available in the template).
  5. 6 to 8 keywords should be included.
  6. Following the APA model, the References list will be at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by surname, naming all the authors up to a maximum of twenty, with the second line indented.

  7. The use of recent bibliography (last 5 years) is recommended, as long as the topic addressed allows it. The Editorial Committee will assess the currency of the bibliography used when considering the relevance of the work submitted to the journal.

    The translation into English or Spanish should be included in square brackets next to the original title of the publications, since in the Spanish version of the article, the Spanish translations of the titles of the works published in English will be provided. DOI of publications should be always included whenever possible.

    Some examples are given below:

    • Books:

      Genise, N., Crocamo, L., y Genise, G. (2019). Manual de psicoterapia y psicopatología de niños y adolescentes. Editorial Akadia.

    • Journal articles:

      Siegel, H. (2002). Philosophy of education and the Deweyan legacy. Educational Theory, 52 (3), 273-280. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-5446.2002.00273.x

    • Chapters in multiauthor books:

      Mendley, D. M. (2005). The Research Context and the Goals of Teacher Education [El contexto de la investigación y los objetivos de la formación de profesores]. En M. Mohan, y R. E. Hull (Eds.), Teaching effectiveness(pp. 42-76). Educational Technology Publications.

    • References to web page:

      Guarino, B. (4 de diciembre de 2017). How will humanity react to alien life? Psychologists have some predictions The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/12/04/how-will-humanity-react-to-alien-lifepsychologists-have-some-predictions

      U.S. Census Bureau. (s.f.). U.S. and world populatíon dock [El reloj de la población de EE.UU. y del mundo]. U.S. Department of Commerce. Recuperado el 3 de julio de 2019 de https://www.census.gov/popclock/

  8. References in the body of the article are written in an abbreviated way that differs from what is used in the Reference list. Specifically, if the reference is a direct quotation, the text must be enclosed in quotation marks and, usually at the end, the author's last name, year and page number are placed in parentheses: "(Taylor, 1994, p. 93)". If it is not a direct quotation, and so is not enclosed in quotation marks, the page number will be omitted: "(Taylor, 1994)". When the author's name is given in the text he/she will not be included in the parenthesis: "According to Taylor (1994, p. 93), culture ..." When an idea is supported by several authors, they will be separated by semicolons: "(Taylor, 1994; Nussbaum, 2012)".

    To quote several works by one author, only the years will be added after the author, with letters added if it is necessary to distinguish between publications from the same year: "(Taylor, 1994, 1996a, 1996b)".

    When citing works by 3 or more authors, only the first one is cited followed by "et al".

    Textual quotes will be written in-line if they have fewer than 40 words. If the quotation has 40 words or more, it will be placed in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, indented by 0.5 cm and in the body text style in a typeface one point smaller. Following the quotation, the author, the year and the page are added in parentheses. The material quoted is reproduced textually, including spelling and punctuation.

    Other authors’ texts will be quoted following the criterion of consulting the originals that are written in those languages and using their official translation when such text has also been edited in the other language. If this official translation is not available, the quoted text will be offered to the readers translated by the author of the article (noting that the translation belongs to the author of the article), or by the sworn translator hired by the journal.

    The use of endnotes will be limited. They must have correlative numbering, using the automatic system in Word and they will be placed after the body of the article and before the References that list everything cited in the text.

  9. To highlight a word, italics will be used. Underlining or bold should not be used.
  10. The number of lists, diagrams, tables and figures in the text should be limited. These will be called Tables or Figures. In any case, they must be where they should be in the article. In tables, columns should be aligned using tabs (only one tab per column). When quoted in the text (e.g., "as we see in Figure 1 on core subjects"), only the first letter will be capitalized, while at the top of the Table or Figure the whole word will be in small caps, in 12 point capital with Arabic numerals, followed by a point, writing the title in normal text.

    The text within the table will be written in the same typeface as the normal text and in 9 point. The source of the table or figure will be placed below it, without a space of separation, stating the Source, colon, surnames, comma and year.

    Graphs and tables, in addition to appearing where they should in the article, should be sent in their original editable format whenever possible. Images should always be sent in high resolution (300 dpi).

  11. Equations will be centered, separated from the main text by two lines. They should be referenced in the text, stating the number of the equation; therefore, they will be accompanied by Arabic numerals, aligned to the right and in parentheses in the same line.
  12. The article will conclude with a list of the bibliographical references of all the works cited, except for the works cited whose authors include one of the authors of the article. In these cases, these works will be listed in the version with names of the authors, while in the anonymous ones they will not be included in the references, although they will appear in the text, where they will appear as follows: "(Author, 2022, p. 39)". Citation of publications belonging to journals or publishers considered "predatory", i.e., those that lack a rigorous and quality scientific evaluation system (e.g., double-blind peer review) and whose main purpose is not to disseminate knowledge but to obtain an economic profit by charging publication fees to authors. Lists of predatory publishers and journals can be consulted at: https://beallslist.net/
  13. Finally, a brief biography of the authors should be included, of a maximum of ten to fifteen lines, which should mention their ORCID and the main aspects of their academic career, current academic situation, and the university where they obtained their higher academic degree.

C.2. In addition to research articles, the Revista Española de Pedagogía wishes to keep up to date by publishing, in various formats, other works and relevant information in pedagogical science. For this reason, it publishes reviews of books, current news, brief commentaries on educational problems, readers' comments on articles published in the last year, etc. The reviews, always on recent books from relevant publishers, will be between 1200 and 1700 words. They will be headed by the book's details as follows:

Villardón-Gallego, L. (Coord.) (2015). Competencias genéricas en educación superior. Narcea. 190 pp.

Commentaries will be of moderate length. The analysis of published articles will be sent, from the journal, to the author of the analysed article, so that he/she can prepare a response.

D. Policy on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in articles

Authors must follow the AI ​​use policy established by Revista Española de Pedagogía and declare compliance with the following sections before submitting their articles.

  1. Authorship of the article:
    • Author(s) cannot cite AI as the author or co-author of the submitted articles.
  2. Use of AI in the writing process:
    • The authors may only use generative AI or AI-assisted technologies to improve the language and readability of this article.
    • If AI is used, authors must cite it in the References section according to the use of APA standards in force in the journal.
  3. Use of Language Multimodal Model (LMM) or Large Language Model (LLM) in the development of the article:
    • The authors are responsible for reviewing and validating the AI-generated information.
    • The authors should indicate and document the use of LLM or LMM in the Methods section.
  4. Use of AI-generated images and videos in the article:
    • The use of AI-generated images and videos in articles is not permitted.
  5. IA Policy Compliance:
    • In the case of non-compliance with the IA policy, the journal may reject (pre-publication), retract (post-publication), or publish an editorial notice on the article.

The acceptance of this declaration is mandatory if the authors wish to publish it in the journal.

E. Communication with authors and evaluation of originals

The reception of originals is permanently open. Special deadlines may be set for public calls for papers for monographic issues.

The assessment process is objective and impartial. To this end, the "double-blind" principle is applied. External reviewers will work in the assessment process to guarantee expert opinions.

The corresponding author will receive an automatic notification confirming receipt of the article. Within three weeks of this notification, the author will receive the results of the first evaluation carried out by the journal's editors. The time frame established for completing the review process is four months, counting from the email of receipt of the article. After this deadline, the author will ordinarily be informed of the final outcome of the assessment. An author whose paper has not been selected may resubmit other papers at a later date.

The publication of articles does not entitle authors to any form of remuneration. All authors are required to use the most effective methods to disseminate their articles, obtain citations and contribute to the advancement of pedagogical knowledge.

F. Publication costs

REP provides diamond open access. Publication is free and open with no costs to authors or readers.

G. Article Processing Charges (APCs)

In order to guarantee the quality of published scientific articles, we follow a policy of only accepting professional translations from accredited translators or translations from authors whose mother tongue is Spanish or English or who have a high level of proficiency in these languages.

Once an article has been approved for publication in the REP, in cases where a professional translation into English or Spanish is required, authors must pay for the translation under the following conditions:

  • If it is an article supported by a research grant, or similar, the invoice will be paid in full by the body supporting the research. The total cost will generally depend on the number of words translated. If this institution has an accredited professional translation service, translations carried out by the funding body will also be accepted.
  • In the case of an article without research or publication support, the author will pay the maximum amount of 400 euros (including 21% VAT), and the journal will be responsible for the rest of the quoted translation costs, which will depend on the number of words translated.

The costs of translating bibliographical reviews or other non-scientific content published in the journal in Spanish and English will be fully covered by the journal.

H. Dissemination of published papers

Once the papers have been published in the Revista Española de Pedagogía, authors can contribute to dissemination tasks, both by supporting the ones that the journal itself carries out and by their own initiative. Specifically:

The REP has profiles on the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), where it disseminates the papers it publishes, consequently we recommend that authors follow the journal on these networks and share their publications.




To assist in the dissemination of their articles, once approved for publication, authors will be asked to send:

  • Two key summary sentences of their article of a maximum of 180 characters for use on social network X.
  • A summary of your article of about 90 words for use on Facebook and Linkedin.
  • A video of approximately 1 minute in length, in horizontal format, summarizing the main ideas developed in the article for use on our social networks would also be appreciated.
  • Our journal is also part of the academic blog Aula Magna 2.0 (http://cuedespyd.hypotheses.org/), where entries on topics of interest for educational research are published periodically, as well as reviews of articles, which contribute to its dissemination. Aula Magna 2.0 publishes an entry dedicated to an article of the REP for each published issue, for which the authors will be asked to provide a longer summary, of between 600 and 1500 words, in a language accessible to the general public and a high-resolution photograph.

Authors are also encouraged to deposit or disseminate accepted articles in:

  • Institutional repository of their university and public repositories (SSRN, Zenodo, etc.).
  • Google Scholar, ORCID, Dimensions, PlumX, etc.
  • Scientific social networks.
  • Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
  • Personal or institutional website, blog, etc.

It is required that all the bibliographic data of the published work be detailed in these publications.