
Impacto en el rendimiento académico de la inmersión lingüística y del índice socioeconómico y cultural




The question of language in school has an educational dimension of considerable social interest in Spain since a strong process of immersion in regional languages might be affecting students’ performance depending on their linguistic and socio-cultural background. In this context, the paper’s aim is to analyse the relations between economic, social, and cultural status (ESCS); the percentage of students who speak a different language at school than at home (language) and school performance in PISA (performance); and in particular to measure the predictive power of the second variable with respect to the third, from a territorial perspective. A methodology was developed based on bivariate linear regression analysis and structural equation modelling, and was applied to data regarding these three variables from the PISA 2015 and PISA 2022 databases. These secondary analyses have confirmed: (a) the importance of the predictive power of ESCS on performance consistently in both 2015 and 2022; (b) the intensification of the association between the two variables in that period; and (c) the emergence of a moderate but significant association of the language variable as a predictor of Performance at the territorial level. The impact of regional ESCS differences on performance increased significantly between 2015 and 2022, which is compatible with an increase in other territorial divides described in the literature. Moreover, the strong linguistic immersion models display significant differences between territories in terms of performance. For example, for this reason alone, Catalonia’s delay compared to Madrid is approximately one school year.

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Author Biography

Francisco López-Rupérez. He has a Doctorate in Physical Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Secondary School Chair in Physics and Chemistry. He has been the director general of educational centres of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports; secretary general for Education and Professional Training in this Ministry, and president of the School Council of the State. He has written a dozen books and over a hundred articles in Spanish and foreign journals. He is currently the Director of the Extraordinary Chair in Educational Policies of the Universidad Camilo José Cela and of the University Master’s in Policies and Governance of Education Systems.


Álvaro Moraleda-Ruano. He has a Doctorate in Pedagogy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with special doctoral prize. His contribution to the Department of Theory and History of Education is reflected in various collaboration grants, including an honorary grant. He has focussed his work in key areas such as emotional intelligence and statistical research methods in education. He is currently research coordinator in the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Camilo José Cela. He has an extensive record of scientific publications and has participated in various externally funded research groups and projects.


Isabel García-García. She has a Licentiate degree in Mathematical Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and holds a Secondary School Chair in Mathematics. She has been Head of Area of the School Council of the State and was responsible for the 2012 to 2016 editions of the Informe sobre el estado del Sistema educativo [Report on the state of the education system]. She is currently a collaborator with the Chair in Educational Policies of the Universidad Camilo José Cela.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

immersion programmes, academic achievement, educational equity, educational policy, educational assessment, structural equation modelling.