
¿Puede ayudar la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la educación en ciencias de la computación? Un enfoque metaanalítico




Several studies have investigated the effect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on stu- dents’ learning achievement in education. However, limited research targeted Computer Science (CS) education, which is considered crucial regardless of the future profession. Consequently, scant information exists on how AI might impact students’ learning achievement in CS education. To address this research gap, this study conducts a systematic review and a meta-analysis to investigate how AI integration affects learning achievement in CS education and the potential moderating variables of this effect. Specifically, 28 studies (n = 2765 participants in total) were included and meta-analyzed, and the obtained effect size was very large (g = 1.36, p g=1.45; huge) as an AI technology. Additionally, the AI intervention duration and the geographical distribution of students are found to moderate the AI effect in CS education. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for various stakeholders (e. g., educators, computer scientists, instructional designers) on how to integrate AI and improve learning experiences and outcomes in CS education.

Referencias | References

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Author Biography

Ahmed Tlili. Associate professor of Educational Technology at Beijing Normal University, China, and adjunct associate professor at An-Najah University, Palestine. He is the co-director of the OER Lab at the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU), China. He serves as the editor of Springer Series Future Education and Learning Spaces, and the deputy-editor-in-chief of Smart Learning Environments journal. He is also the associate editor of IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, and the journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society. Professor Tlili is also an expert at the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). He has edited several special issues in several journals. He has also published several books, as well as academic papers in international referred journals and conferences. He has been awarded the Martin Wolpers 2021 Prize by the Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education (UNIR iTED) in recognition of excellence in research, education and significant impact on society. He also has been awarded the IEEE TCLT Early Career Researcher Award in Learning Technologies for 2020.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

Computer science, computing, artificial intelligence, education, learning, collaborative intelligence, meta-analysis, learning achievement.